Is Intelligent Design an Apologetic Argument?

1. What are the strengths of the Intelligent Design Arguments/Movement?

Douglas Groothuis wrties that ID “opens a door for Christian apologetics that would otherwise be closed” (Christian Apologetics, 268). The argument of irreducible complexity seen in the human eye, the flagellum, and DNA irrefutably show intelligent design. Of course, materialistic evolutionists reject this evidence with counterarguments. Groothuis concludes that ID should take its rightful place in the overall circle of evidence. Standing alone, it cannot provide a full apologetic for Christianity.

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Review of Christian Apologetics: A Comprehensive Case for Biblical Faith by Douglas Groothius

In chapter eleven, Cosmological Arguments: A Cause for The Cosmos, Groothius states that the question to be answered is “Why is there anything at all, rather than nothing?” This is the question asked by Christian theist Gottfried Leibniz and atheist Martin Heidegger.

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Review of Christians Apologetics: A Comprehensive Case for Biblical Faith by Douglas Groothius

In chapter ten, The Ontological Argument, Groothius states that the ontological argument claims that proper reasoning about the idea of a Perfect Being generates the conclusion that God exists. St. Anselm (c. 1033-1109) created this argument to convince the fool or atheist in Psalm 14:1 as to the existence of God and to lead believers in the worship of the greatest possible being in the following prayer:

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Review of Christians Apologetics: A Comprehensive Case for Biblical Faith by Douglas Groothius

In chapter nine, In Defense of Theistic Arguments, Groothius states that natural theology consists of theistic arguments (sometimes called theistic proofs). They are rational arguments for the existence of a monotheistic God that do not appeal to sacred scriptures for their cogency.

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