Are People Basically Good?

Are people basically good? Both Christians and non-Christians agree, “People are basically good.” Barna Research Group found that 87% of non-Christians say, “People are basically good.” What should be shocking is that 90% of Christians in mainline Protestant churches agreed, “People are basically good” (What Americans Believe, 89-91).

Before we examine the different theological views, does life experience show us that “People are basically good”?

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The Image of God

HOBBY LOBBY and Chick-fil-A have more in common besides being closed on Sundays. These two companies are for-profit businesses. They are not Christian organizations like churches. Nor are they non-profit corporations. They are for-profit organizations ran by Christians. The Supreme Court ruled in favor of permitting Hobby Lobby to not obey the mandate in Obama Care that requires employers to provide health care coverage for contraceptives that end the life of conceived babies. Hobby Lobby has no problem providing health care that covered 16 out of 20 FDA-approved contraceptives. But Hobby Lobby refused to pay for contraceptives, such as the morning after pill, that destroyed fertilized eggs. The owners of Hobby Lobby (the David Green family) believe life in the image of God begins at the fertilization or conception and that the Bible forbids wrongly taking the life of a person. I agree with Hobby Lobby and the Supreme Court ruling.

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