The extended outline shows many of the preaching or teaching units from the book of Mark. Each unit can be a complete sermon or lecture. The extended outline shows the author’s original intent for his original audience. Each point is a summary statement of the unit. The preacher or teacher will need to change the summary statement into a timeless principle for his/her contemporary audience.

Theme: Jesus is the Son of God who makes Disciples

Introduction: 1:1-13 

1. In Galilee, Jesus the Son of God Makes Disciples with the Multitudes (1:14-8:21) (for 2 ½ years)    

      A. Early Galilean Ministry (1:14-3:6) 

           1. Priorities of Jesus (1:16-45) 

               a. Calling disciples (1:16-20)

               b. Going to the place of worship (1:21 and 39)

               c. Teaching and preaching (1:22)

               d. Helping the Needy (1:23-34)

               e. Spending time alone with God (1:35)

               f. Obeying God (1:36-39)

               g. Showing compassion on the needy (1:40-43)

               h. Witnessing to the lost (1:44-45) 

           2. Conflicts of Jesus with His Enemies (2:1-3:6)

               a. Conflict over healing and forgiveness (2:1-12). Jesus, who is God, forgives sins.

               b. Conflict over associating with tax collectors and sinners (2:13-17). Jesus who is God forgives sinners not self-righteous people.

               c. Conflict over fasting (2:18-22)

               d. Conflict over working on the Sabbath (2:23-28)

               e. Conflict over healing on the Sabbath (3:1-6)

                    1) Jesus served when hated (3:7)

2) imperfect people (3:7-10) 3) in difficult ministries (3:11-35)

      B. Later Galilean Ministry (3:7-6:6)

            1. Introductory Summary: Jesus’ Activity in Galilee (3:7-12)

            2. Appointment of the Twelve Disciples (3:13-19)

            3. Accusation regarding Beelzebub, the Prince of Demons (3:20-30)

            4. Invitation to Join Jesus’ Family (3:31-35)

            5. Invitation to Enter the Kingdom (Parables) (4:1-34)

            6. Miraculous Demonstration of Jesus’ Authority (4:35–5:43)

            7. Conclusion: Jesus’ Rejection in his Hometown (6:1-6a)

      C. Jesus withdrawal from Galilean Ministry (6:6b-8:21) for 1 year

             1. The Catalyst: The News about Jesus Spreading (6:6b-29)

                 a. By Jesus’ Activities (6:6b)

                 b. By Jesus’ Disciples (6:7-13)

                 c. As far as Herod (6:14-29)

             2. The Withdrawals (6:30–8:21)

                 a. To a Deserted place (6:30–7:23)

                 b. To the Vicinity of Tyre: The Healing of the Syrophoenician Woman’s   

                     Daughter (7:24-30)

                 c. To the Region of Decapolis: The Healing of a Deaf-Mute (7:31-37)

                 d. To the Sea of Galilee: The Feeding of the Four Thousand (8:1-9)

                 e. To Dalmanutha (= Magadan) (8:10-21)

2. On the way to Jerusalem, Jesus the Son of God Makes Disciples with His Disciples (8:22-10:52) (For 6 months)

          Introduction: The healing of the blind man (8:22-26) in two stages

      A. First Prediction of Christ’s death (8:31)

          1. Disciples’ dull response (8:32)

          2. Jesus’ correction (8:33-9:1)

      B. Second Prediction of Christ’s death (9:30-31)

          1. Disciples’ dull response (9:32-34)

          2. Jesus’ correction (9:35-37)

      C. Third Prediction of Christ’s death (10:32-34)

          1. Disciples’ dull response (10:35-41)

          2. Jesus’ correction (10:42-45)

          Conclusion: The healing of blind Bartimaeus (10:46-52)

     Here are TEN lessons Jesus teaches His disciples “on the way” to Jerusalem and discipleship! (by MacArthur)

     1. Lesson (9:14-29) the power of faith.

     2. Lesson (9:30-37) on humility.

     3. Lesson (9:38-41) on offenses.

     4. Lesson (9:42-50) on the seriousness of sin.

     5. Lesson (10:1-12) on marriage and divorce.

     6. Lesson (10:13-16) on the place of children in the Kingdom.

     7. Lesson (10:17-22) on earthly riches.

     8. Lesson (10:23-34) on true wealth.

     9. Lesson (10:35-45) on leadership and sacrificial service.

   10. Lesson (10:46-52) on faith again.

3. In Jerusalem, Jesus the Son of God Makes Disciples in the World (11-16) (Jesus’ last 8 days in Jerusalem climaxing in His death and resurrection)

      A. Jesus’ formal presentation to Israel (11:1-26) (Basically Thomas Constable’s outline)

          1. The Triumphal Entry (11:1-11)

          2. Jesus’ judgment on unbelieving Israel (11:12-26)

      B. Jesus’ teaching in the temple (11:27-12:44)

          1. The controversy over Jesus’ authority (11:27-12:12)

          2. The controversy over Jesus’ teaching (12:13-37)

          3. Jesus’ condemnation of hypocrisy and commendation of reality (12:38-44)

      C. Jesus’ teaching on Mt. Olivet ch. 13

          1. The setting (13:1-4)

          2. Warnings against deception (13:5-8)

          3. Warnings about personal danger during deceptions (13:9-13)

          4. The coming crisis (13:14-23)

          5. The second coming of the Son of Man (13:24-27)

          6. The time of Jesus’ return (13:28-32)

          7. The concluding exhortation (13:33-37)

       D. The Servant’s anticipation of suffering (14:1-52)

          1. Jesus’ sufferings because of betrayal (14:1-11)

          2. Jesus’ sufferings because of desertion (14:12-52)

       E. The Servant’s endurance of suffering (14:53-15:47)

          1. Jesus’ Jewish trial (14:53-15:1)

          2. Jesus’ Roman trial (15:2-20)

          3. Jesus’ crucifixion, death, and burial (15:21-47)

       F. The announcement of Jesus’ resurrection (16:1-8)

      G. The appearances and ascension of Jesus (16:9-20)

          1. Three post-resurrection appearances (16:9-18)

          2. Jesus’ ascension (16:19-20)