Important Dates in reference to Daniel

God promised to bless obedience and judges disobedience in Dt. 28:1-24; 63-67; 30:1-5 (1450 B.C.).

The rest of the OT shows that God kept His promise

931 B.C. Division of the Kingdom because of Solomon’s disobedience

722 B.C. Assyrian defeat of the Northern Kingdom because of disobedience

605 B.C. First deportation. Babylonian defeat of the Southern Kingdom because of disobedience (Daniel taken captive). Jehoiakim “did that which was evil in the sight of the Lord” ( 2 Chron. 36:5). Nebuchadnezzar’s foreign policy was deportation. This demonstrates the sovereignty of God which is the theme of Daniel as noted in 2 Chronciles 36:21.

597 B. C. Second deportation. (Ezekiel taken captive). Jehoiachin (Jehoiakim’s son) “did that which was evil” (2 Chron. 36:9)

586 B. C. Third deportation. Zedekiah (Jehoiakim’s brother) “did that which was evil” (2 Chron. 36:12)

562 B. C. Death of Nebuchadnezzar

539 B. C. Death of Belshazzar

538 B.C. Zerubbabel returns and rebuilds the temple (Ezra 1-6). Under Cyrus king of Persia whose foreign policy was repatriation. This also demonstrates the sovereignty of God as noted in 2 Chronciles 36:22-23.

535-520 B.C. Worked ceased on the temple (Ezra 4:24) as a result of the preaching of Haggai and Zechariah (Ezra 5:1 and Haggai 1:1-4)

515 B.C. Temple finished (Ezra 6:15)

458 B.C. Ezra returns and reforms the people (Ezra 7-10)

445 B.C. Nehemiah comes and leads the people rebuilds the walls around God’s city (Nehemiah 1-6)